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Examples of What's Available Today

If you want more information on some of these methods the book!

here are a few contacts. These are not medical referrals, they are information about some innovators and innovations available today.


NanobacTX nutraceutical, described also in the Companion publication.


Dr. Joel Kahn works on nutritional and other aspects of cardiology.


Mt. Sinai Medical Center cardiology group in Miami Beach, Fl. Search that Mt. Sinai webpage for Gervasio Lamas. See also the following publication by the Mt. Sinai team .​

Dr. James C. Roberts, cardiologist whose work is featured in the book and companion.


Heart disease reversal program at Veterans Administration in the U.S.


You can also listen to the podcasts with some of those pioneers here:​

Glass Buildings

          Can Buildings Improve Your Health?
According to the USEPA we spend about 85% of our time in buildings. These are where we live, work and play. New studies show that sick leave is significantly reduced for occupants of buildings that are certified as healthy. What does that mean? A healthy building has clean air, water and healthy materials that protect us from harmful particles like toxic metals.
Learn more about healthy buildings and indoor air here and here.

Healthy buildings from homepage
How buildings keep you healthy

Disclaimer: Not medical advice. Consult a qualified physician before trying any therapy.

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