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In his podcast series, Douglas Mulhall interviews scientists, inventors and physicians who aim to  restore heart health by treating the stress that's triggered by your environment.

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1. Restoring arteries and preventing amputations.
Dr. Gervasio Lamas, Chief of Cardiology, Mt. Sinai Medical Center and Columbia University describes a clinical study that opened blocked arteries in heart patients without surgery. Dr. Lamas had expected the trial to fail and surprised himself and the medical community when it succeeded. In the second part of this interview, Lamas describes what patients can do to access therapy today.


2. Discovering how to reverse hardening of the arteries 
Prof. Dr. Elena Aikawa at Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard University, whose lab discovered that a commonly used anti-parasitic drug can prevent the progression of coronary calcification, also known as hardening of the arteries. She is part of a dynamic group of women who lead this rapidly emerging field.



3. A non-prescription nutraceutical that works 

Nanobiotech Pharma CEO Gary Mezo's nutraceutical compound has been available for 20 years and according to published open label clinical studies improved heart disease and prostate conditions when standard prescribed  therapies failed.

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Upcoming interviewees include Patrick Burgermeister of Kizoo Capital who invest in paradigm-changing cardiovascular and regenerative technologies, and Prof. Dr. Charles Rice, who developed an antibody that guides restorative drugs to damaged elastic in arteries.

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Disclaimer: Not medical advice. Consult a qualified physician before trying any therapy.

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