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What Standard Prevention and Therapies Are Missing
It Starts From The Day You're Born

Standard therapies temporarily relieve heart disease symptoms, but don't repair the damage. Treatments still mostly focus on cholesterol, hypertension, age, and smoking (1). But the process is also driven by our body's reaction against environmental stress, including;
Toxic metals and other pollutants that degrade our tissue
Low level infections that escape detection and trigger constant inflammation
Chronic noise from traffic and other sources
Environmental and emotional stresses that gang up on you.
Those are not targeted by standard therapies. Nor are their impacts.
Our immune system turns against us when it tries to fix the damage.
Inflammation degrades already-damaged elastic in our arteries.
Our body produces calcification to wall off the damage, but this hardens the arteries
A war is raging between the stealthy infections and toxic metals that make us sick, and the immune system that’s supposed to keep us healthy.
It's happening in the the space between your cells.
It's driven by trillions of tiny particles that run your body’s business.
It degrades the elastic fiber that drives every move you make and every breath you take.
The Good News​
A few innovative therapies are removing toxic metals, restoring the elastic in arteries, and reducing chronic inflammation.
(1) The focus on those risk factors comes from a series of studies are known as the Framingham studies. Several other studies suggest these need to be revised.